Favorite Outdoor Gear for Kids
Always on the lookout for gear that makes kid exploration easier, these are our all-time favorites that we use on a regular basis. We buy products to last many years, and these have all stood the test of time and childhood.
We look for products that are highly-functional, lightweight, comfortable, and those the kids can use independently to enhance their outdoor adventures. Safety is also a main consideration when it comes to keeping hydrated or shoes that don’t rub blisters.

Hydration backpack
Every day we go outdoors, we use the Camelbak Kicker Kids Hydration Pack. Research shows that we hydrate better with frequent smaller sips instead of large gulps of water. The fit is outstanding, and the kids never complain about any weight or getting too hot wearing them. The zipper pouch holds stuffed animal, snacks, nature journal, colored pencils, or nature guides. Add some ice cubes to the bladder as needed. Fits ages 4 – 10 well. Shop here: https://amzn.to/3jBxBOU

All-weather kids need all-weather shoes. These Keen adventure shoes go from biking to exploring a creek without a shoe change. They are comfortable to hike or bike in or explore lakes, rivers and creeks. They have great tread like a hiking shoe that helps to grip wet slippery rocks. Throw them in the washing machine and they look brand new again. They are so sturdy that you will be handing these down to the next kid. Shop here: https://amzn.to/2CLzuaW

Most kids aren’t crazy about sunglasses, but they are important in preventing sun damage. However the Babiators are soft and comfortable, so no pinching or pressure on the face. They have a one year guarantee against loss or breakage. These are comfortable and tough against wear. Check out their toddler versus bigger kid sizing. Shop here: https://amzn.to/32NXsx5

These lightweight and easy-to-use binoculars are great for bird or animal watching, searching for nests, etc. At only $22, these are well worth their price since adult binoculars are heavy and require more adjustment. These stay in our daypacks so we always have them handy. Shop here: https://amzn.to/2BqMdzn

When fishing, exploring, fossil hunting, picking up trash, avoiding poison ivy, or just going in deeper water, these waders are help kids go anywhere. The neoprene is comfortable and flexible, and they do not leak. The boot is comfortable to walk in and we add knee socks for extra boot comfort. Shop here: https://amzn.to/2WOfDyE

In Texas, these cooling towels bring temperatures down 20 – 30 degrees from ambient temperatures. These are great for outdoor activities to help keep from getting overheated. Shop here: https://amzn.to/2Pj0L7n.